Sound & Energy Healing

Our bodies are made up of frequencies that form a harmonic and balanced whole when we are healthy. The vibrations of the body easily go out of tune with physical or emotional tension, as well as unhealthy lifestyles. Sound & Energy Healing assists in removing energetic blocks, and helps the body remember its own healthy harmonic resonance. 

Once the body has been restored to an ideal state of wellness and harmony, ongoing exposure to healing sounds will assist in maintaining balance and good health, much the same as keeping the instruments within an orchestra tuned will maintain harmony and good vibrations.

How It Works

Sound Healing Energy finds you no matter where you are on the planet. It is a proven way to heal your present, past, or future. Healing yourself without the boundaries of time, space, or human limitations has been a part of our human existence from the beginning of time. Because the magnetic energy (biofield) is part of our universe, there is no way to interfere with the positive healing effects of Distance Sound Healing.

Your Life Purpose

Every individual has unique gifts and a life mission that is ours alone to fulfill. These gifts are something that only YOU can bring to the world. You have a single and vital piece of the puzzle to add to the picture of life on earth. So, you can see why it is essential that you (and all of us) live your life to the fullest and follow the path of your purpose!

Sound Healing and Your Energy

Every person vibrates at a specific rate of frequency. This vibratory frequency helps us reach our full potential and supports optimal our well-being. When you harmonize to this rate of vibration, you bring harmony into your life. In this harmonious state you manifest peace, energy, prosperity, abundance, and vital health on every level. You clear away the distortion of life making more room for who you are beyond blocks, programming, limits, insecurities, confusion, etc.

Get Connected

Distance Sound Healing Sessions connects you to your infinite source energy. This source energy is the part of you that knows all, sees all and understands why things happen the way they do. Your source energy knows what you need to fulfill your heart's desires, even if your daily conscious mind does not. Sound Healing Sessions offer you're the opportunity to tap into the love, power, and wisdom that is your "all-knowing state."

These sessions can inspire and guide you to make the right decisions, manifest what you need, and create better outcomes in life than you ever thought possible. As a result, you are more in sync with your ability to manifest joy and reach your full potential. In your Distance Sound Healing Session, we co-create your dreams, integrating your soul's consciousness to release trauma and old negative thought patterns. As a result, participants typically experience a sense of peace and wholeness.